Saturday, December 31, 2005

Medical Update - Biopsy Tests

On Thursday I had an my second CT scan (to determine the extent of the cancer's spread) and on Friday I had my third gastroscopy (in order to get more biopsy material). The biopsy samples have now been sent to Germany, where they will be tested for what is called HER2 receptors.

HER2 receptors are a type of cell-surface protein that signals the cell to divide and helps control normal cell growth, cell division, and cell survival. Apparently, only 10% of people have the HER2 receptor, and so this is what the pathologists in Germany are testing my biopsy samples for.

If I turn out to be HER2-positive, then I will be placed in a trial for the anti-cancer drug, Herceptin, which has had great success in defeating breast cancer. The trial is to see whether Herceptin will work just as effectively for other cancers, such as stomach cancer. But even if I do participate in the trial, it will be a double-blind trial. Only 50% of the participants will actually receive the Herceptin (together with the normal course of chemotherapy), while the other 50% will receive a placebo together with the chemotherapy (and there would be no way of me knowing at the time whether I am actually on Herceptin or not).

I will give you an update as soon as I know more details on the results of the biopsy tests.

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Medical Report - The Oncologist's Prognosis

Before reading this post, I recommend that you first read "God is My Salvation".
A medical diagnosis is always the starting point for prayer. It is not the end, but the beginning, of the story. So here's my prognosis, as explained by my oncologist on December 20:
  1. I have fourth-stage stomach cancer, with extensive peritoneal seeding (which means that nodules of cancer have spread throughout the abdominal cavity).

  2. There is no possible cure, either by surgical intervention or through medicinal means. Chemotherapy can only delay the progress of the cancer.

  3. The mean survival rate for this stage of cancer is 7-9 months (although it may be possible to stretch my life expectancy to about 18 months). Having said that, even without the Lord, there are many who beat these odds, and of course with the Lord and with your prayers, I plan to do more than just beat the odds.

The oncologist expects, now, that I should be starting chemotherapy probably in the second week of January, and there is a possibly that I could participate in a trial therapy, so I'll need to pray about that.

The short of it all is, basically, that the oncologist has confirmed much of what we already knew: Without the Lord, there's no chance of cure, but with the Lord, all things are possible! And remember, so-called "life expectancy" rates are statistical only. In other words, the experience of the majority of people with this same condition is a low-survival rate and short-term prospects. But a prognosis is not a prophecy. Doctors cannot see the future, nor can they take into account supernatural elements such as the divine intervention.

Also bear in mind, as you continue to journey with me over the next few weeks, months (and years), that I view a life-expectancy prognosis simply as the yardstick against which the miraculous healing of God is measured.

Now the reason I asked you to read "God is My Salvation" before reading this post is simple. Without placing this news in the context of what the Lord is doing in my life, the news is, to put it bluntly, devastating. Without the word of God, the word of the doctor offers no true sense of hope. After all, they are even now organising palliative care for me, and they're preparing me for months, not years, of life ahead, with the control of pain and nursing of my condition the only real hope that the medical community can offer me.

But my medical condition (the physical illness) is only one dimension of my life. There is an overriding dimension - the spiritual dimension - which is my daily walk with the Lord. The physical dimension is based on words from my oncologist (the natural physician). The spiritual dimension is based on words from God himself (the Great Physician). As Matthew 4:4 puts it:
"...It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
This means that my life is not just fed on a physical level but on a spiritual level, and it is on both levels that I am now facing this crisis.

I stand firm on the word the Lord gave me in Philippians 1:19-26:
"Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me."
This, together with other words that the Lord is speaking into my life (and which I will share with you later) is the foundation of my attitude, my behavior and, of course, my hope. Thus it is not just the Oncologist's Report to which I am responding, but also the Creator's Report, which is far more important.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Announcement - Prayer Template

Phyllis Lau has crafted a special "prayer template" which the Prayer Firewall team is now using as part of their intercession each morning.
Lord, we give thanks that your mercies are new every morning even though we are undeserving. You said in John 15:16 that You have chosen us and ordained us that we should go and bring forth fruit and that our fruit should remain, that whatsoever we shall ask of the Father in Your name, He may give it to us.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we lift Pastor David Collins to You and pray a hedge of protection around him. We thank You, Father that You are a wall of fire round about David and that you set Your angels around him. We thank You, Father that David dwells in the secret place of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty. Because David has made You, Lord, his refuge and fortress, no evil shall befall him.

Father because You have set your love upon David, therefore will You deliver him from this stomach cancer. We call upon You and You answer us. Hallelujah!

You are with David and his family and will satisfy David with long life and show him your mercy.

As your children and co-heirs with Christ Jesus, by the authority given to us in Jesus’ name, we ask in prayer, for complete restoration of health to David’s body and believe that we have received it and it will be done. We also claim your promise in Exodus 15:26 that says, "...for I am the Lord who heals you (David)."

Father, we praise You and forget not all Your benefits. You forgive all our sins and heal all our diseases. Your Word states, “You took up our infirmities and carried our diseases”. We ask in the precious name of Jesus our Saviour, for Your grace, Your peace, Your love, Your provision and most of all Your healing upon our brother in Christ, David.

We worship and adore You, El-Elyon, the Most High God who is the First Cause of everything, the Possessor of the heavens and the earth. You are the Everlasting God and have exalted above all else Your Name and Your Word, which we claim for our brother David. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life our lips shall praise You.

Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing our prayer and interceding to the Father for us.

Feel free to use this prayer, and to add your own personalised prayers of request and intercession.

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Announcement - Join the Team!

Would you like to join the Prayer Firewall?

As a Prayer Firewall member, you will receive regular updates on David's condition, together with prayer points and praise reports.

To join, please email the Prayer Firewall team at

Friday, December 16, 2005

Announcement - Welcome to the Prayer Firewall!

Phyllis Lau and several members of Evangelical Community Church (ECC) have set up a "prayer firewall" for David Collins, who is on the ECC pastoral team and who was recently diagnosed with late-stage stomach cancer.

This Prayer Firewall is a team of intercessors who are committed to praying for David Collins and his family every day, particularly between 6:00 am and 7:00 am, Melbourne time.

If you would like to know what time it currently is in Melbourne, click here. If you would like to join the Prayer Firewall update email list, write to Phyllis and the Prayer Firewall team at