Latest Update
Over the last week I've experienced a wonderful surge of energy and health. Although I still have my ups and downs (a day here or there of poor health), the ups definitely outweigh the downs right now.
In part, this is because it's been 3 weeks since I finished chemotherapy. But more than that, I believe it is the healing touch of the Lord. I'm taking a hold of my healing by faith, assured that the Lord will do what He has promised.
There are a number of clear signs that my health has turned a major corner. First of all, my appetite has returned with a vengeance - not just in quality but also in quantity. The other night, I polished off a thick T-bone steak, together with a side-order of fries and gravy. Now that is a remarkable improvement over the bite-sized meals that were my fare even four weeks ago.
On another note, my weight has increased by 4 kilos (about 9lbs) in the last week! I'm now 72 kg, up from 68 kg!
Pain is still a factor that I have to contend with, but that's the next on the list!
I really appreciate your continuing prayers for me. I'm looking forward to sharing a full testimony of complete healing with you soon.
Every blessing in Christ Jesus,